Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Email No. 1

This is the exact email that was sent out this weekend. "Copy and paste" is a beautiful thing.

"Hello friends!

It has been a long time coming but finally it is here: the feminist discussion group! For a few months we have been wanting to get people together to read about and discuss gender issues. Because gender is something that affects all of us daily--whether we know it or not--we thought other people would find it interesting to read about and discuss the topic in a group setting.

The format that we eventually decided upon, is to scan articles, share them with the group through an online blog and then get together on Sunday evenings to discuss what we have read. Also using the blog, we can bring up questions, post additional articles, or discuss the issues if we cannot be at the group meetings. Though we have planned a loose agenda for our meetings and thought out the sequencing of the first few articles, the group will be open to all topics, and group members will be urged to scan and share other articles and lead the discussion as well.

We chose the first two articles posted on the "article dump" because we thought they might be a good introduction to the topic and cover some basic misconceptions about feminism. Our first meeting will be Sunday March 9th at 7pm at Derek's home: 2285 University Ave, St. Paul, MN 55114. Feel free to call if you need help figuring out how to get here or get in the building.

And most importantly, tea and snacks will be provided!
We look forward to seeing everyone! Yay!

Love, Katie and Derek

Here is our blog:
Here is a link to the page where you can get the articles that we post, there is also a link on the blog itself:

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