I clicked some random conservative advertisement off the Drudgereport and it blew my mind.. so I thought I'd share it with the group:
There is a lot to get skeeved by but the ones that feed off of the "secret Muslim" xenophobia really gave me the creepers. This is an advertiser on the most frequented news source on the internet... is this crap that mainstream?
I'm pretty sure they are bumper stickers and not real social commentary. I mean there's one that talks about Spell Check says Obama is Osama. I checked it out and it's true. Funny. Nothing to get too worked up about. And not near as bad as some of that stuff Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr said.
Derek's concern about some very clever bumperstickers supports the old canard about feminist bookstores not having a humor section. The boffins say we laugh at something to show we're not afraid of it. So lighten up a little, and thanks for the link. I love some of these designs!!!!
There is not enough room on this planet for the three of us. Two of us are going to have to leave. I'll let you fight amongst yourselves.
P.S. God Damn America. God Damn America twice or three times if it makes it easy for you. Let us all draw some lines in the sand.
i'm sorry, i don't think that i should laugh at racism and sexism.
I don't see any mention of race anywhere on the site. Sexism? Maybe the "B" word counts as sexism but that's pretty tame stuff. I supposed if all the candidates were white guys you could say anything about them and it would be okay?
HAHA! You are a good reader. What’s your address? I’ll trade my library card for your plight of the white man.
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